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Congressman Robert PittengerCHARLOTTE – The Washington Post reported Saturday that Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) is calling for clarification from the Department of Defense following conflicting statements regarding their information technology supply chain.

Recently, the Air Force circulated an e-mail removing Lenovo, a Chinese-owned technology company, from the approved products list. After being questioned by the media, the Department of Defense said the e-mail should not have been sent.

There is substantial evidence supporting the authenticity of the original Air Force e-mail.

“There are many interested parties and issues at stake,” said Congressman Pittenger. “We have national security concerns within the Department of Defense, and I have additional economic concerns, given Lenovo’s presence in North Carolina. These are serious issues, and for the Air Force and Department of Defense to provide conflicting statements is alarming. DoD and the Air Force need to quickly provide clarification to Members of Congress.”

Click here to read The Washington Post’s coverage of Congressman Pittenger’s efforts to improve the security of the federal government’s supply chain, and his comments on contradictory statements by the Department of Defense on the status of Lenovo technology.

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