
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Congressman Robert PittengerFAYETTEVILLE – Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) issued this statement after attending a National Day of Prayer observance at Covenant Love Church in Fayetteville:

“On this National Day of Prayer, I am incredibly thankful to live in a country where we have freedom to publicly come together in prayer.  America faces many challenges, but the God in whom our nation trusts is greater than all those problems, and He hears our prayers.

“Today, please join me in asking God to give wisdom to our leaders, to protect the brave men and women who defend our liberty, to protect the unborn and give strength to the brave women who face an unplanned pregnancy, and to bless the millions of persecuted Christians around the world who risk imprisonment and death solely because of their faith.

“Let us also remember the Sheltra family and the Pineville Volunteer Fire Department in this time of grief.”

Congressman Pittenger is a Member of the Congressional Prayer Caucus and hosts a weekly Bible study for Members of Congress and Capitol Hill staff.

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