Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingYesterday was a good day and a sad day.  I do little for BladenOnline on a day to day basis, but occasionally I am asked to cover a meeting or event.  Some I shy away from, feel inadequate, think someone else would do a better job.
I had the task/pleasure of attending the 48th Annual meeting of Southeastern Economic Development Commission.  Sen. Richard Burr was the speaker and a very good one.
Few folks understand the work of SEDC or NC Southeast.  Both are involved in making the southeastern NC region a better place to live, work and play.  SEDC assists local governments and agencies in securing funds, grants and loans, for infrastructure needs, water, sewer, buildings, etc. and NC Southeast is busy, working to attract industrial prospects to the area.  Both operate with a limited staff, both have made huge contributions to the Bladen County area.  Both serve 10 or more counties, both share the same building in Elizabethtown.
The sad news was the death of a good friend.  Rosemary Bostic Allen suffered from the dreaded ‘c’ disease for a long time.  Her suffering is over, family and friends will have many good memories, but at this time, the mourning process continues and will for days to come.
Ever wake in the wee hours of the morning, restless and unable to go back to sleep.  A trip to the bathroom, eye drops and a drink of water and still unable to go back to sleep.  Had one of those nights…think the night was about an hour longer than I needed.  Rested and ready for a good day.
Do you see folks texting and driving? If you want to take a chance on texting and suffer consequences, guess it is OK, but if your immature illegal actions cause problems for others, it’s not fair.  Hope all are caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Regular naps prevent old age….especially if you take them while driving.
Having one child makes you a parent, having two sometimes makes you a referee.
They said we should all pay our taxes with a smile.  I tried-but they wanted cash.

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