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Ben Greene Honored Posthumously by Elizabethtown Town Council

Elizabethtown Town Council met in regular session Monday evening. Mayor Campbell presented a framed resolution and engraved miniature downtown street clock to Mrs. Mary Greene in memory and honor of Mr. Ben Greene who passed in 2015.  Mayor Campbell stated that “Mr. Greene was a kind and generous member of the Elizabethtown community and worked with the Town to make the Elizabethtown Industrial Park economically attractive to businesses who desired to locate in our area.  The Town will be forever grateful for his generosity.”


A public hearing was held for a Special Use Permit for the construction of a Detached Garage at 205 Singletary Avenue.  Planning Technician, Billie Hall presented the information to the Council.  There were no public comments made.  The Planning Board made a positive recommendation to Council and Council approved the Special Use permit as requested.


Several Departments requested action for surplus property.  Council approved Surplus Property Declaration for the Police Department and the Public Services Department.  With plans to build a new Airport Terminal Building with grant funds, is is necessary to declare the current 2500 sq. ft. Terminal Building as surplus property so that it may be moved to another location or demolished as the Airport Board deems reasonable. Council approved the resolution to declare it surplus property.

The Town was awarded funds from the Division of Aviation to construct a taxiway to the Elizabethtown Industrial Park that would directly connect the Curtis Brown Field to the Town’s newly acquired property formerly owned by Mr. Rudy Potter.  Council approved a grant agreement/resolution for Request for Aid for the Airport Industrial Park Phase I-Design and Bid and authorized work to begin on the project.  The project will be funded in conjunction with a grant from the NC Department of Commerce with an estimated $1.2 million budget (5% Town portion of the project).

Mr. Ron Taylor, owner of Taylor Manufacturing, is in the process of constructing a new food processing facility on Hwy 701 South.  To assist Mr. Taylor, the Town applied for a grant with the NC Department of Commerce in the amount of $70,000 to extend water service to the new facility.  The grant amount was based on a quote from the NC Department of Transportation.  The required work included extending the Town’s water line from the West side of Hwy 701 to the East side of the highway.  It was later determined by NC Commerce that the Town’s connection fees were not reimbursable under the grant since the grant was made to the Town.  Town staff recommended that a forgivable loan in the amount of $5,941.55 be made to Mr. Taylor to cover the connection fees.  In the agreement, Mr. Taylor will create 10 full-time jobs and will retain the jobs for a period of 18 months.  The agreement also specifies that the forgivable loan is only available to in-town businesses that create manufacturing or industrial jobs.  If Mr. Taylor satisfies the job creation requirements of the agreement, the loan will be forgiven at the end of the 18-month period.  Council approved the agreement as presented.


In other administrative matters, Council approved the budget amendment and financial report for the month;and  received updates on current Code Enforcement matters and handicapped parking spaces in the downtown area.

Two citizens addressed the Council regarding their Event Center located at 404 MLK Drive.  Mr Boris Powell and his brother Mr. Andrew Robinson had questions regarding their renovation of a property that could be used for weddings, birthdays, banquets, etc.  Mr. Madden explained that the hold up on the process came about when they requested an ABC permit.  That requires a Special Use Permit and separate process for approval for the use as a Club, night club, etc.  They were advised to contact Billie Hall to begin that process.

During the Planning Board meeting at 6:00 p.m., Retired Police Chief Bobby Kinlaw was sworn in as a new board member.  He was also elected to serve as the new Chairman. 

Bobby Kinlaw

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