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By Bethany Stephens

BladenCountySchoollogoThe Board of Education met this Monday for their monthly session where they began by approving advisory councils for Dublin Primary and Bladen Lakes Primary.  A budget amendment as recommended by Sharon Penny,  Finance Director,  was approved as well as a vacancy in the school treasury next school year due to someone retiring. A Student Accident Insurance Policy Renewal and next year’s payroll dates were both approved.

A Teacher Assistant Evaluation Instrument was approved for various types of teacher assistants as recommended by Antonia Beatty, Personnel Director. A Beginning Teacher Support Program Draft,  also recommended by Beatty,  was approved. The program will incorporate more support for beginning teachers, reflect recent minor terminology changes, and adjustments being imposed on the program by DPI.

Two Exceptional Children’s contracts were approved to fill a position that recently became open and for a testing position.  Several fundraiser requests from schools across the county were approved. Following the above approvals the board went into closed session to discuss personnel and legal matters.

Upon reconvening into open session the board approved Personnel Adendum Action Items as recommended by Antonia Beatty.  Dennis Edwards and Tim Benton, Board Members,  voted against the passed Personnel Items.

Dr. Robert Taylor, Superintendent, spoke to the board about talks with Bladen Community College and the schools to have an early college for students. Though all the board members support the idea in theory, some of them expressed concern about funding issues – especially in conjunction with possible consolidations.  If approved by the general assembly, the state will help fund the early college.

Convocation for teachers will be held August 23 at 8:30 a.m. Additionally,  a public forum is scheduled to be held at BCC to discuss community concerns about recent shootings. Following the above announcements, the board adjourned for the evening.

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