
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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PitengerVisitUS Congressman, Robert Pittenger stopped by BladenOnline’s office Friday morning to discuss his platform. The representative talks on federal government power, healthcare, the financial industry, veterans and more in his interview with Charlotte Smith.


Watch the interview now:




During the interview Pittenger explained bureaucracy in the Veteran’s Administration. He said there is an issue with protecting jobs that is effecting the service our veterans receive.


Pittenger also said he does have plans for health care reforms. Open markets promoting competition for insurance company’s is the solution to lower insurance rates according to the Pittenger camp.


Pittenger also expounded on issues with our veterans’ services. Bureaucracy with job security is the issue when it comes to better customer service for our veterans affairs according to Pittenger.


“There’s nothing there, period. It’s something that will be cleared up in time, but we won’t stop them from looking,” was Pittenger’s answer when we asked him about the FBI investigations into a real estate firm he once owned.


Pittenger’s plan once elected is to have scheduled office hours in Bladen County.


During his campaign people interested in speaking with Pittenger are asked to call 704-650-1722.

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