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The beauty of September 15th offered the perfect backdrop to celebrate 50 years of business for one company. Specialty Product Technologies (SPT) employees, community dignitaries and friends all gathered together at the local plant in Elizabethtown to enjoy the hard work and dedication being in business 50 years takes.

The ceremonies started at 11:30 a.m. and lasted until 1:30 pm. Great food, gifts, games and kudos were enjoyed by those in attendance. Russell Priest, Chairman of the Bladen County Board of Commissioners and Mayor of Elizabethtown, Sylvia Campbell presented resolutions to SPT President, Kevin Sutherby, as a  token of gratitude for all the business has brought to Bladen County over the past half century.

Sutherby, and other executives of the company congratulated and thanked all the Bladen County employees for their hard work.

Sutherby gave some history of what was happening 50 years ago when the plant opened. Lyndon Johnson was the United States President, a new car cost around $2600 and Americans were in a race to the moon.

Sutherby said the company has had two and three generations of families work at the facility in Bladen County and he was very thankful for them all.

Past Plant Manager, Joe Thompson, who served the company from 1981 until 2003 was in attendance as well. 

“This was one of the best plants in the southeast, and probably still is, for that matter. It was a bench mark plant for the company.” Thompson said.

The company has changed names over the years, but one thing was repeated throughout the celebration, it has always been a great place to work with great employees.

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