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By: Erin Smith


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As people drive along the roadways in Bladen County and elsewhere they are greeted at various times of the year by fields of wildflowers beckoning in their bright colors. In the Bladenboro area, residents driving along Bryant Swamp Road or Richardson Road can see yellow wildflowers, their heads bouncing in the breeze as if nodding in time to some secret musical rhythm.

Dawson Singletary said that for several years the wildflowers have been slowly spreading along the roadways to be enjoyed by residents and travelers alike.

Singletary said the state used to mow up the flowers on a regular basis and said he spoke with them about waiting to mow them down until the flowers had gone seed. Singletary said by allowing the flowers to go to seed, they would return next year for motorists to enjoy once more.

Along the roadway in the vicinity of Bryant Swamp Baptist Church in Bladenboro the roadside and ditch banks are awash in a sea of yellow wildflowers.

Singletary said that he first noticed the yellow wildflower he refers to as wild daisies about 15 to 20 years ago. He said he realized by mistake that as he was performing bush hog work on land he owned, he was inadvertently spreading the flowers around his land.

Singletary said when he began to notice the flowers along the roadway, he thought it would be nice to let the flowers bloom and multiply for the enjoyment of the motorists, hence his conversations with NC DOT.

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