Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingBeastfest supporters scored another victory yesterday.  Big day, huge crowds, a festive occasion.

Saw friends I had not seen in years, among them Don Chase of WKML fame who reminded me he began his career at WBLA (Where Beginners Learn Announcing), Dan Hester of WWAY fame and many Bulldog classmates and friends.

Also saw businesses still suffering the aftermath of Hurricane Mathew, so much work left to be done.

We need more Beast Fest type events.  Brings back memories of Farmer’s Day, mostly held in Clarkton because they had tobacco warehouses, an ideal place for such an event, whatever the weather.  Bladenboro and Elizabethtown also hosted the annual Fall Festival.  Long time ago, like 50s, 60s and 70s.

The presidential race has divided local communities, the state and country like none I ever witnessed.  Those with opposite views or opinions are called bad names by good people, many who will be in church today singing the old songs of the church.  Something is wrong.

The two candidates are badly flawed and are vying to represent a badly flawed group of voters.  The ‘hate’ word is evident and that is so sad.  If we disagree, so be it.  Doesn’t make either better, smarter, or right, just means we disagree on this issue. Disagree, but respect the opinion of others.

And some of our local candidates are acting like…like candidates who disagree.  Let the issues be settled at the ballot box.

And at least one of our elected officials is accused of breaking election laws.  Our leaders should be held to a higher standard, should be examples for our youngsters.

Can we not conduct ourselves as adults?

One more comment on our Commander-In-Chief.  Whoever is elected will be my/your president and we, as a nation, need to support him/her, and that includes Congress.  Just a thought from the peanut gallery.

Cleveland Indians have a commanding 3-1 advantage over the Cubs in this years World Series, after winning 7-2 last night.  And, for those who did not see the end of the Clemson football game, Tigers (8-0) defeated Florida State (5-3) 37-34.

Raise your voice and your dignity is lowered.  Melchor F. Cichon

Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us   Thomas Paine

Respect cannot be learned, purchased or acquired-it can only be earned.

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