Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingSo much happening in our area and BladenOnline continues to cover it all.

Yesterday (Sunday), 45,781 pages were viewed, the second most ever.  Second only to 52,264 on January 7, 2016.

A wreck, politics, Beastfest and a huge drug bust were some of the most viewed articles. BladenOnline was on duty, covering it all.  Prior to the beginning of BladenOnline, February 1, 2008, we would have had some of the details mid-week or later, if ever.

What surprises me is how many Regional News Sources are constantly monitoring BladenOnline for news tips.

Thanks to the staff for their efforts.  News events occur 7 days a week.  And, more are covered by BladenOnline than any other news source.

Actually BladenOnline’s numbers for last week, prior to Sunday, were very good.  Pages viewed were 144,875 and visits totaled 31,489.  A year ago, pages viewed were 102,440 and visits totaled 16,480.  I was always pleased with anything over 100,000.

A reminder, call Charlotte Smith at 910-876-5393 to add your business to the BladenOnline line-up of advertisers.

A few more numbers. 4 years ago 4,499,039 voted in the NC November General Election.  In Bladen County, the total was 16,351.  Would not be surprised to see those numbers topped.

How will the FBI announcement related to Hillary Clinton’s emails play out in the election process?  To be determined.  Latest polls should begin being reported over the next few hours.

Chicago Cubs won 3-2 last night to extend the World Series.  Indians lead series 3-2.  Next game is Tuesday night in Cleveland.

In late NFL action last night, Cowboys defeated the Eagles 29-23.

Daylight savings time ends early Sunday morning.  Fall back!

If you will be driving in the area tonight, be aware, Trick or Treaters are likely to be moving around.

A grandmother pretends she doesn’t know who you are on Halloween.  Erma Bombeck

The first Jack O’lanterns were actually made from turnips.

Scarecrows, a popular Halloween fixture, symbolize the ancient agricultural roots of the holiday.

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