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The Bladenboro Town Council met on Monday night and heard from resident Barbara Hester regarding missing tools following a code enforcement by the town.

Hester resides on Pinewood Circle. She told the board that town employees visited her property and removed items from her yard including lawn chairs and some tools.

Hester told the board the only items she wanted returned were the tools.

“It was there when I left to go to work that morning,” said Hester. “This has happened three times and I’m tired of it.”

Councilman Sarah Jane Benson said, “I’ve talked to John (O’Daniel) and Andy (Coleman) and they say there aren’t any tools in that stuff.”

Hester said she has lived on Pinewood Circle for 7 years and has had no trouble  until recently.

“I mess with junk, yes. But I sell it to get enough (money) to move,” said Hester.

Benson told Hester the town staff would look again for the missing tools.

In other business, Mayor Rufus Duckworth read from an email regarding Bladenboro Police Chief Chris Hunt and Chaplain Larry Hayes. The email was sent to thank Chief Hunt and Rev. Hayes for assisting a stranded motorist during Hurricane Matthew.

The writer said that when they arrived in Bladenboro, they were almost out of gas, the tow was flooded and the power was out.

The writer continued that Chief Hunt located some gas and brought it to the motorist and that Rev. Hayes escorted the driver to Tar Heel
In hopes of finding gas.

The writer did that while they were unable to purchase gas in Tar Heel they were able to make it to Fayetteville and eventually their final destination thanks to. Just Hunt and Rev. Hayes.

The board postponed a discussion on ditches until the December meeting due to Councilman Billy Ray Benson being absent from the meeting.

The board also postponed a decision on  pay and classification updates as Councilman Sarah Jane Benson said have had not had adequate time to review the material.

The board also adopted a new policy regarding records retention namely body cameras. The board learned the state has adopted new regulations regarding records retention and the policy is state mandated. The board approved the policy.

The board also asked Town Administrator John O’Daniel to set a joint meeting with the town planning board to discuss the town’s policy dealing with the appearance of businesses. Councilman Sarah Jane Benson said that the two businesses in question are “an eyesore.”

Councilman Cris Harrelson agreed with having the planning board to look at updating the policy and also meeting with the businesses to try to come to terms on a plan to make the properties neater in appearance.

The board also approved a copier lease and approved O’Daniel and Town Clerk Melanie Hester to be designated as the town’s representatives for FEMA.

The board also met in an almost two hour long closed session for personnel matters. The board returned to open session and made a motion effective December 1 Chief Hunt’s salary will become $48,088 to meet guidelines and new requirements.

The board made a second motion effective  Wednesday, Nov. 16, that Lynn Brisson will become the ORC at a salary of $40,575 or grade 15 step 4.

In matters of interest to the board Councilman Sarah Jane Benson asked Chief Hunt about a radio i the spare patrol car and the lack of a radio for an auxiliary police officer.

Chief Hunt said the radio i the spare patrol car had been sent out for service as it was not working properly. He said the radio has been repaired and is ready to be reinstalled.

He said the auxiliary officers have access to wallow talkies and that the radio in question has been inventoried and is ready for use by an officer the department hires.

Chief Hunt said currently there are two auxiliary officers and they are not scheduled to work the same shifts. He added the radios have. It been an issue.

Councilman Benson said that officer safety needs to come first and if more equipment is needed Chief Hunt should let the board know.

The meeting was continued until December 5 for the annual Christmas party.

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