Thoughts While Shaving
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Yesterday was a very good, very tiring day.  The Bladenboro Bulldog class of ’56 met with mmmm over 20 but less than 25 class members attending.  All in all, about 40 to 45 with spouses, or someone to chauffeur on hand.  We began our Freshman class with about 100 in 1953, about 80 or so as Sophomores, down to the mid 60s by our Junior year and in the mid to upper 50s graduated, if my memory is correct.  It was a fun day.  On the down side, our list of deceased that entered high school is up to around 35 to 40.

From there it was on to Clarkton for another reunion.  A little different.  Everyone who attended Clarkton High School was invited.  The numbers began to build all afternoon long and a dance was held later in the day.

In both instances, was good to see friends from days gone by, together again, enjoying the company of each other.

When I think of Clarkton High School during the time from the early to mid 50s, I think about the success enjoyed in sports.  Bill Herring was the AD and coach of the three major sports.  In six years, from 1952 to 1958, Coach Herring teams won 12 championships, seven in football, two in basketball and three in baseball.  In 1958, he joined Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. in Hickory and progressed in the company for 33 years.  He died September 19, 2016 in Columbus, Ohio, at the age of 86.  He was a class act, originally from Sumter, SC, he left his mark on many in the Clarkton/ Bladen County area.

At Christmas time we think of the less fortunate, not sure why just at Christmas time, but at least we do some time.  If you are looking for a great cause, I suggest you consider Elf Angels Christmas Fund.  It has been going on for years based in the Clarkton area, but helping county-wide.  Call Ms. Heustess at 647-0651 for more info.  It actually operates year round, a very worthy cause.

It’s times like Friday night that I miss broadcasting high school football games.  Dan and I were ready to retire, but wish Joe, Rick & Ron had a source to broadcast the games.  Oh well, maybe later.  East Bladen held off a determined Ayden-Grifton team in overtime and earned the right to continue play in the state 2A football ranks.  Next opponent, the Russell Dove coached South Columbus team next Friday night at Vinegar Hill, 701 south.

Recall it as often as you wish, a happy moment never wears out.  Libbie Fudim

We may not remember days; but we remember moments.

Memories are the threads that hold together the patchwork of friendship.

New friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

robert g hester



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