Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingIf you failed to stay up ’til the end of the ACC football championship game last night…Clemson over Virginia Tech 42-35.  Two good teams, two good coaches and talented players.

Am I the only one tired of 4 or more, 30 second commercials at each time out or break in the action on TV?  Come on man!!

Remember when there were 4 or movie theaters in the county, including, at one time, a couple of drive-ins?  How about 7 or 8 new auto dealerships?  Get bigger or you are out of business.  I like to call it the Walmart approach.  Just the way it is, and understandable, population has not increased greatly over the past 30 to 40 years, kinda stuck in the 28,000 to 35,000 range.

We have elbow room.

I love to just watch and listen, guess that is easier when you reach a certain age, not sure what the age is, but we are so different and seems to me we are ready to ‘level a blast” at those who think differently, never more so than at election time.  Heck, I could care less who you voted for (haven’t always felt that way), happy you voted  and my guess is seldom does anyone just vote for the winners.  But, after the election is over, time to ‘hitchup’ and everyone carry their fair share of the load and let’s make Bladen the best it can be.

Saw a young male walking yesterday, short sleeve shirt, neat haircut, under-dressed individual for 40+ degree temps.  My conscience began ‘beating on me’, but my better judgment was to not stop.  He was in a neighborhood associated with “not all that is good”.  Ever have that feeling?  I did not stop, he did not appear to be seeking a ride, I did not feel safe but can’t ‘shake the feeling.’ So today, I go to church and hear about ‘doing unto others as I would have them do to me.’

Have a new mail-order razor, took a little while to adjust but, so smooth and clean shaven.

A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

I’m not your type, I’m not inflatable.

I saw weird stuff in that place last night.  Weird, strange, sick, twisted, gross, godless, evil stuff….and I wanted it (:

Remember, everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

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