Bladenboro Town Hall
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Bladenboro Town HallThe Bladenboro Town Board met on Monday and held a lengthy discussion regarding the cleaning of ditches. Councilman Billy Ray Benson said that after the first of year he would like to see the town’s employees take one day per week and take a truck and backhoe and start cleaning some of the ditches within the town. Benson contended that if the debris and leaves were removed from the ditches the water would drain better.

“So, do we know which ditches we control within the town limits?” asked Councilman Cris Harrelson.

Town Administrator John O’Daniel said, “We (the town) don’t have the right to go in there and dig the ditch. If they want to fill it in we have no right to tell them they cannot. If we go in and clean them out and one or two fill it in, that defeats the purpose.”

O’Daniel explained to the board that in order to clean the ditches in question, the town would have to obtain easements or right of ways from property owners in order to clean the ditches. 

Benson said, “Let’s do it this way. Let’s let you get what we need to clean out those ditches.”

It was pointed out that the town maintains the Bryant Swamp Drainage Ditch. 

Harrelson asked if there is anything the town could do to drain better and prevent flooding like that which ocurred in the downtown area after Hurricane Matthew.

Councilman Jeff Atkinson volunteered that Big Swamp needs to be cleaned as well. He noted cleaning Big Swamp would help somewhat with the drainage.

“These ditches I can’t tell you last time they were cleaned. Tater used to keep them cleaned out. I know where the problem comes from. Evidently, they don’t want to do it. You don’t have to dig a canal just clean out the trash,” said Benson.

“Is there a way to identify the ones that would be a priority and try to get the easements?” asked  Harrelson.

The ditches town weren’t the only ditches up for discussion.

Councilman Sarah Jane Benson asked, “Mr Charles came to us months ago about this ditch behind town hall and there is still standing water in the ditch.”

Sarah Jane Benson said the ditch has to be cleaned out enough for the water to drain. Public Works Director Andy Coleman told the board that the town’s employees have cleaned the ditch but the ditch was actually too deep to drain properly.

Sarah Jane Benson asked what can be down to correct it and Coleman responded that the town can basically redid the ditch and try to pipe the water out of the ditch.

“We never have a solution we always have ten excuses,” said Sarah Jane Benson expressing her frustration.  “I hear a lot excuses for why we can’t. I have town people telling me that. We’re not finding any solutions.”

She added, “It’s time to stop band aiding it.”

Councilman Gene Norton asked if some dirt could be hauled in and added to the ditch to raise the level so it will drain.

The conversation turned back to the other ditches in the town. Town Clerk Melanie Hester explained to the board that the town only has access and right of way to the section of roadway where a pipe or water/sewer line is buried.

“Years ago these things were kept up by the town. I can remember when I was a child I remember Tater Shaw doing it,” said Sarah Jane Benson.

She added, “We hear these things from the people in the town and it is our responsibility to bring it up.”

“Well, if it is benefiting the town, I don’t see why it would bother someone,” said Councilman Billy Ray Benson.

Hester said she did not know how that process was handled then.

After further discussion, Harrelson asked if the town can consult with its attorney about cleaning the ditches and what the proper process would be to do so. The matter was tabled until O’Daniel can consult with the town’s attorney.

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