Thoughts While Shaving
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Can you believe another year (2016) has come and is nearly gone.
As a year old wide eyed youngster on Christmas morn, one of 6 in the Hester household searching under the Christmas tree for a gift from Santa with my name on it, never dreamed how fortunate I was or would be, after all these years. (diagram that if you can) We will gather again this evening, five of the six, the other being at home with her family in western Virginia, to celebrate and enjoy the company of each other and our families.  We will miss Lib.  She has a new Navy recruit son and they, she and both sons, decided to celebrate at home, and we understand.
And, before that time, we will celebrate with our immediate family, two sons, daughter-in-law, two grandchildren and a young lady who is fast becoming a part of our family, maybe others in Smithfield.
Hope your Christmas is one of your all time best.
While we celebrate the birth of a babe, enjoy delicious food and swap gifts, as you will likely do, remember there are those that are not celebrating, maybe a sick family member, maybe a death in the family, maybe just a tough time for any number of reasons.  Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
As we were settling down last evening, chatting, watching TV, received a call from a friend telling me about a Star TMC employee who was killed riding his motorcycle near Autryville about 4:30 PM yesterday.  Remember the Tim Butler family in your thoughts and prayers.  And, there are other such situations, no doubt.  Tim maybe as near ‘impossible’ person to replace as anyone I know.  A ‘do everything engineer’ and all around good person.
I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.  Charles Dickens
Every gift which is given, even though it may be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection.  Pindar
Christmas is a tonic for our souls.  It moves us to think of others rather than of ourselves.  It directs our thoughts to giving.  B.C. Forbes
The two most joyous times of the year are Christmas morning and the end of school.  Alice Cooper
robert g hester

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