
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) and Congressman Richard Hudson (NC-08) urged the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to reject North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s illegal proposed Obamacare expansion.


Their letter, co-signed by seven additional Members of Congress, cites multiple state laws outlining Governor Cooper’s lack of legal authority to unilaterally expand Obamacare. 


“Any Governor of North Carolina does not have the legal authority to submit a Medicaid expansion plan to CMS.  Such actions would commit the state to approximately $600 million in new spending each year.  It is unfortunate that one of Mr. Cooper’s first actions as Governor is to directly go against the same state law and Constitution he swore to uphold.  It is for these reasons that we urge CMS to reject Governor Cooper’s proposal,” the joint letter states.


Governor Cooper released his plan to expand Obamacare on Friday evening and plans to submit it to CMS after a required 10-day public comment period.


“Regardless of the legality of Governor Cooper’s proposal, approving this request in the final days of President Obama’s administration, when President-elect Trump won overwhelmingly on a platform of repealing and replacing Obamacare, would be a slap in the face to North Carolina voters,” said Congressman Pittenger.  “Expanding a failed program on the eve of President-elect Trump and Congressional Republicans enacting the agenda favored by voters would only further frustrate patients who have clearly rejected President Obama’s health care takeover.”


The letter written by Congressman Pittenger and Congressman Hudson was co-signed by United States Representatives Ted Budd (NC-13), Virginia Foxx (NC-05), George Holding (NC-02), Patrick McHenry (NC-10), Mark Meadows (NC-11), David Rouzer (NC-07), and Mark Walker (NC-06).  To read the letter, click here.

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