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The top corporate tax payers in Bladen County for the Fiscal year that ended June 30, 2016 were:

E.I Dupont with 2015 assessed valuation of $110,956,343.

In second place with assessed valuation of $93,512,888 was Smithfield Packing.

Taking third place was Smithfield Farmland Corp. with assessed valuation of $39,254,330.

Fourth place went to Murphy Brown Farms with assessed valuation of $20,499,217.

The fifth spot of the list was Carolina Cold Storage with assessed value of $19,864,512.

The sixth spot was held by Kuraray America, Inc. paying taxes on assessed value of $19,311,750.

The seventh largest corporate tax payer in the county was Danaher Controls with assessed value of $17,577.811.

Coming in eighth place was Browns Realty Partnership with assessed value of $16,574,641.

The ninth place sees Gildan Yarns LLC with assessed value of $10,672,060.

Holding down the 10th place is Prestage Farms with assessed value of $10,560,481.

It is interesting to note that six of the top ten corporate tax payers are involved in the pork industry in the county. The other four are involved in manufacturing.

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