Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingTuesday is a perfect reason BladenOnline was birthed..We had a busy news day and we dealt with the newsmakers…no taking someone else’s word for it….

‘Man with gun is shot, killed by Bladen Officers’…One of our part-timers was at the ballgames being played at West Bladen…heard the shots being fired and drove through the barricades headed home….Was on the phone with law enforcement shortly after….
Recent roundup targeted street level crack cocaine dealers….no links, a face to face with two of Bladen’s finest officers…An original article…
‘Be Aware! Kirby Van is not trying to sell vacuums’….We kept hearing about a van with suspicious folks selling themselves as vacuum cleaner sales persons…One of our on came face to face with them at her home….and hopefully has exposed and they never, ever return unless it is in a court of law…
There were other “very good” articles about…’Training Dives at White Lake’, a ‘new restaurant in Clarkton’, all originals….no links, no hearsay…Just The Facts as reported by our reporters…..
We watch for news releases at the local level and on the state level….Examples….Several from the local Board of Education about recognition at the most recent meeting….an article related to a Bladen couple being charged with insurance fraud related to a house fire….
“New Arby’s Coming to Town’….another original….
Our sports is original…a report on local school activities….Just the facts…by one of our own….
We do some linking…but no reason to if you have the original…
We have over 7 years experience in the Online Newspaper Business…Our commitment is to Bladen County….And the Best is Yet To Come….We are constantly ‘out and about.’  We know you and you know us….
BladenOnline continues to provide a valuable service to the local area…original reporting, and it is FREE…
Thanks for your response to our efforts….Our readers, our sponsors and our part-timers are a great team…THANKS to ALL.
Faith is personal, but never private.
Quality rather than quantity determines your success.
Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.
robert g hester

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