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By: Joy Warren
The Elizabethtown Town Council met in regular session Monday evening.  A public hearing was held regarding a Text Amendment for the Zoning Code of Ordinances.  A Solar Energy Development Ordinance was discussed.  There were no comments from the public and Council approved the amendment as presented.
Sara Burroughs from Sage Design shared an update on the proposed PARTF Project at Greene’s Lake and Conservation Park located at the Industrial Park.  She stated they are still gathering public input for the grant proposal.  She shared a map of the project which will include a walking trail, picnic area, and passive open areas for citizens to enjoy the outdoors.  The project is located on property adjacent to Cape Fear Vineyards.
In administrative matters, Council approved the Unpaid Tax Report and authorized the advertisement of the the listings; approved Tax Releases and the monthly financial report.
Ben Snyder, James Davis, and several residents of Glenwood Drive spoke to the Council about their concerns with drainage issues and the lack of a cul de sac turn around on Glenwood Drive.  The residents asked for help from the Town to remedy the non-functioning drainage system for the low-lying neighborhood.  Pat DeVane, Public Works Director, stated his department is aware of the problems.  They did clean out the major ditch prior to Hurricane Matthew, but that had little affect on the problems the 13+ inches of rain brought to the homeowners.  DeVane indicated that the cul de sac is in progress with an engineer.  He suggested getting an engineer to look at the issues prior to spending money and said they may need a pump station.  Mayor Campbell assured the residents that they would move forward on a resolution to their problems.
Council adjourned into closed session to discuss real property acquisition on King, Swanzy, and Broad Streets.

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