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The Bladenboro Benefit Committee sponsored another special fund-raiser for 5 local residents Saturday afternoon.  The  committee believes in helping their neighbor.
Charles Ray Peterson, Berry Lewis, Teddy Britt, Jimmy Brisson and others fired up the grills before sunrise Saturday morning.  Peterson said they had cooked over 1000 pounds of pork.
Joyce Walters, the chairman of the Benefits Committee, said about 20 local residents make up the group that holds a benefit several times during the year, usually for local residents suffering with some type of a medical problem.  According to Walters, over 100 cakes were baked and provided by volunteers in the community.  The food is all paid for prior to the cookout.  Churches in the area pay for many of the supplies, individuals also step up with contributions.
An auction was held, and a gun was raffled off, with all funds benefiting the 5 sick individuals.
“We never turn down a request, once we determine there is a need,” said Walters.
The latest recipients, all suffering from cancer, include Gladys Jane Edwards, Pam Benson, Max Chance, Donna Duckworth and Billy Ray Benson.  All experiencing large medical expense and unable to work
Walters said the fundraisers usually will total $10,000 to $20,000, however they have collected as much as $60,000.
Saturday’s crowd was large, with folks arriving as early as 3:30 p.m.  The parking lot at the Bladenboro Historical Building was full with a steady stream of folk til closing time around 7 p.m.
The volunteers appeared to be pleased with the turnout.

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