Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWhat a ballgame!!!! My first thought was, the Tar Heels are a lucky bunch…and they are, but Gonzaga was a tough opponent. Two very good teams playing for the first time, both presenting new problems for the other. Congratulations to the Tar Heels.

And, while waiting for gametime we ‘weathered’ another storm. Strong winds and rain. At the Curtis Brown Airport and the Hester household, nearly an inch of rain, .92 at the airport and .98 in the Happy Valley community near E-town.

Wonder if the ‘Trump Bump’ is over on the stock market. After a couple of months of upward movement of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, movement has been sideways in recent days.

Two huge events this week, the Azalea Festival in Wilmington and The Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta, Georgia. Both offer lots of evidence spring has arrived.

The deadline for filing federal taxes is Tuesday, April 18.

I am not a good social media participate. I wish folks Happy Birthday on Facebook. I read post on Twitter, Messenger, Instagram and LinkedIn in addition to Facebook. Post very, very little.

Another solid week for BladenOnline:
March 26-April 1, 2017
Page views: 104,489
Visits: 20,794

Same week a year ago:
Page views: 94,208
Visits: 17,363

Most read stories:
4,003: Saturday fire victim loses all belongings,
2,817: Elizabethtown man enters guilty plea to attempted murder charges,
2,399: Home sentenced for theft, stolen item had tracking device attached,
1,479: Benefit scheduled for Baby JT for Saturday,
1,433: Tour where Bladen County tax dollars are going
1,286: Todd Pait resigns as West Bladen football coach.

The Best Is Yet To Come.

You know you’re getting old when you go to your high school reunion and it looks like an archaeological dig.

The trouble with most self-made men is they insist on giving out their recipe.

Gentlemen: One who is courteous even to the people he can’t use.

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