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Tentatively scheduled for the week of April 10th to the 22nd, 2017; Weather Permitting!

Moores Creek National Battlefield

Moores Creek National Battlefield is implementing a controlled burn of the savanna burn unit of the park. This area contains floristic species that thrive in fire conditions which can only be replicated through controlled burns. The planned burn is to provide these species with specific habitat needs as well as to decrease fuel loads and rid the area of invasive species. National Park and is expected to take just a couple of hours provided cooperating weather conditions. There is no expectation of road closures, but plan on potential delays when traveling on Highway 210 around the area of the battlefield. Safety precautions are being addressed to prevent any incidents from occurring, inclusive of NPS EMS trained staff being present, a fire crew engine being placed at the battlefield, and working with local officials and crews for the safety of the area. Current plans place this burn for the weeks of April 10th to the 22nd, 2017 depending on the prescription window – all depending on wind and rain.

For those that would like to inquire more about the exact details of this event, please call the battlefield and speak with the contact listed above.

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