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RALEIGH, N.C. – Information from Democracy North Carolina will be added to our ongoing investigation into the protest matters following the general election. The file remains active and our work continues.  Consistent with agency practice, any findings of wrongdoing are referred to appropriate prosecutorial agencies when warranted by the evidence.

The legal team at the State Board of Elections has proposed changes to the official election protest forms, which have been re-designed to better shield eligible voters from unsubstantiated accusations.

If adopted by the State Board, the new form would require a protestor to swear, under the penalty of perjury, that the information in the protest is true and accurate. It would also place the protestor on notice that it is a felony to submit a fraudulent form and would make clear when a candidate, political party or organization has requested or financed the filing. If a protestor is represented by counsel, the form would require the attorney to file an addendum.

The State Board of Elections is expected to consider these changes at its meeting later this month. The date hasn’t been scheduled.


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