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The Bladen County Board of Commissioners heard about staffing needs from the Sheriff at the meeting on Tuesday, April 18th. “I’m here tonight to propose three new detention officers for the new detention center and two new Deputy Sheriffs to work in the new law enforcement center,” Bladen County Sheriff McVicker stated.

Sheriff McVicker gave commissioners examples of staffing need to operate other law enforcement centers and detention centers across the state similar to the new facility in Bladen County.

Cogdell asked if five new staff members would be enough. McVicker explained he was trying to ask for the bare minimal for now.

Our jail inspector, Mr. Charles Brown, will have the final say about the amount of staff needed. Brown will come down before the jail opens according to McVicker.

The Sheriff’s outlook is, by April next year, the new facility will be adding income to Bladen County.

Commissioner Dowless said, “If you run this like a business it should make money.”

McVicker agreed.

Sampson County made $15 million in the last 10 years on their jail, according to McVicker,$192,000 came from us [Bladen County] last year.

McVicker gave a report about the needs for beds in jails. He said, “Pender County is full.” Onslow County rents beds every month from Sampson County even if they don’t use the beds.

Commissioners Britt made a motion to approve the requested staff needed, but Chairman Peterson said no vote would be made until the next meeting.

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