Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingEver get the feeling you are observing the state, US and world from the eye of a storm? Think it has never been like this before?

In 1944, Sen. Harry Truman of Missouri replaced Henry A. Wallace as the running mate of President Franklin D. Roosevelt who was seeking an unprecedented fourth term as president. Roosevelt (D) won the election, but died 82 days into his term. Truman took over, having met with FDR just two times in his new role as VP. Truman led the effort to end WWII. In the 1948 election, Truman was challenged by Gov. Thomas E. Dewey (R) of New York. Headlines in some ‘big city’ newspapers declared Dewey the winner of the election, but Truman won capturing 49.4% to Dewey’s 45.0%. SC Sen. Strom Thurmond, running as a Dixiecrat, received 2.4% of the vote.

Only the names have changed, chaos reigned then as now. Still, with all the faults and confusion, it remains the best place in the world to live, work and play.

Cameras on cell phones have impacted the way news is covered today. Wonder what will be next? Technology continues to change the world.

The largest tax cuts will always go to the largest tax payers. Just need a level playing field. Be careful what you ask for.
For every gain, there is a loss.

Enjoy your Saturday!

Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family. Bo Bennett

My favorite weekend activity is riding bikes to breakfast. Halston Sage

We’re homebodies. I’ve gotten to see my kids’ first steps, first smiles, first words. Every day is a weekend. Larry the Cable Guy

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