
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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WASHINGTON – Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09), a persistent critic of Obamacare, has also been a consistent advocate of continuing protections for those with pre-existing conditions.

“The American Health Care Act absolutely does not eliminate protections for pre-existing conditions.  The legislation does give states the flexibility to choose which solution is best for their unique circumstances.  Current law remains in force unless an individual state chooses to serve those with pre-existing conditions through another risk-sharing or reinsurance program.  Even then, those individuals cannot be charged more if they maintain continuous coverage.

“Our legislation gives states options in how to meet a common standard.  Those with pre-existing conditions will still be protected in every state.  If another state offers benefits which go beyond those currently included in Obamacare, you might choose to move to take advantage.  States already have varying tax policies, which make them attractive for relocation.

“Earlier today, I spoke with a reporter who was operating from a false understanding of the legislation.  Those who believe that big government, one-size-fits-all policies best serve the American people have trouble understanding legislation which protects those in need while giving states flexibility in how to meet those needs.”

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