Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingMemorial Day weekend begins today and the weather should be perfect, sunny, pleasant, temps in the mid 80s, a little breezy. Temps should be in low 90s next 3 days.

Another Farm Fresh Friday at Cape Fear Farmer’s Market in Elizabethtown from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Check out the fresh produce, vendors and more. You can reserve a space by contacting Billie Hall at 910-862-2066. (no charge to vendors).

A reminder of Memorial Day ceremonies honoring veterans, upcoming in Elizabethtown and Bladenboro. Check our Events section for more info.

I seriously doubt any US Congress will ever be able to balance a budget, with 65% of expenditures mandatory, and they include Social Security and Medicare.

In 2015, $583 billion was borrowed to balance the budget. To put this into perspective, that is about $1.6 billion daily. At 6 a.m. today, you and I owed $61.282, and ‘debt per taxpayer’ was $165,804, and the clock was ‘wide-open’. Check the site, Google US Debt Clock.org.

You can’t be in debt and win. It doesn’t work. Dave Ramsey

Debt is one person’s liability, but another person’s asset. Paul Krugman

A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing. Alexander Hamilton

robert g hester

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