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The 2016-2017 school year is coming to an end this week for Bladen County Schools. Before the year ended a new incoming principal was welcomed with a Meet & Greet on May 30th.

Ms. Priscilla Brayboy will be the incoming 2017-2018 principal of Elizabethtown Primary School according to Valerie Newton with Bladen County Schools.

Tuesday students and staff attended the introduction meeting. It was a great evening of support for Ms. Brayboy according to Newton.

View more photos at: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPa56Q1UsNSKuoorUXRHVTZVMRbzm4w-lptP7y4aEX1O83_5q2Zu99ot6kkBADt_g?key=MkxaaDZzdUZPNUV3NEVHdDdqdlJpTGxCWmVjNGpR

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