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Senator Danny E. Britt, Jr. and Representative Brenden Jones are pleased to report that a $23 billion

state budget compromise was reached Monday night after weeks of deliberation.  “While we couldn’t get

everything we would like to have seen our district receive, this comprise includes a 3.3 percent raise this

year and 9.6 percent raise over two years for teachers.  The budget deal also includes a substantial

increase for principal salaries. More than $180 million in the first year will also be directed toward state

employees, providing a $1,000 across-the- board raise.  A permanent 1% cost-of- living adjustment for

state retirees is also included. Some funding needs allocated for Robeson & Columbus Counties are

outlined below. This is good news for our district. It is rewarding to know that some much

needed improvements and projects can move forward due to these funds”, said Britt and Jones.

The budget also provides additional tax relief by reducing the personal income tax rate to 5.25%, the

lowest rate in the Southeast among states that tax earnings.  Additionally, it increases the standard

deduction to $20,000, beginning in 2019.  The corporate income tax rate is also reduced from 3% to

2.5%.  Overall, the tax package delivers $530 million in tax relief, with 99 percent of taxpayers paying

less or paying no state personal income taxes at all.

Robeson County:

Robeson Co. Swift Water Rescue $ 62,000

Rescue boats and equipment

Town of St. Pauls: 13,000

Library – Replace heating & Cooling System – $10,000

Library – Handicap Restroom renovations – $3,000

Lumbee Cultural Center 100,000

Southeastern AG Center (Seating & Sound System) 75,000

City of Lumberton – Downtown Revitalization $ 100,000

City of Lumberton Riverwalk 150,000

Town of Pembroke – Downtown Revitalization 100,000

UNC-Pembroke -Comprehensive 40 renovation and repurposing of

West Hall at the University of North Carolina 41 at Pembroke 10,000,000

Columbus County:

Town of Fair Bluff (Town Hall/Downtown Revitalization) $ 200,000

Town of Fair Bluff Library 100,000

Town of Bolton Senior Center 35,000


Bladen County:

Bladen County Sheriff’s Office – To provide a pass-through grant to

the Training Division for training for regional law enforcement

and first responder personnel. $ 200,000

Robeson and Columbus Counties:

“Every Week Counts” – To conduct a demonstration project in Robeson

and Columbus counties to do the following: (1) Investigate the

effectiveness of in-home prenatal care for the prevention of preterm

birth among multiparous women of low income. (2) Conduct a

nested randomized controlled trial of for preterm birth prevention

among women without a prior preterm birth, but with a significant

constellation of risk factors that increases their likelihood of having

a preterm birth in the current pregnancy. $ 2,000,000

The $100,000,000 state-wide Disaster Relief money will be forthcoming in the near future which will

provide additional funding for our district.

In addition to the budget funds, we have worked closely with the Golden LEAF Foundation and the

following has been appropriated for our districts as of this fiscal year:

 $2,761,016 to Robeson County Public Schools for repairs of several buildings damaged by

Hurricane Matthew.

 $1,767,000 to the Town of Fair Bluff for the renovation of a building located on higher ground to

replace the destroyed Town Hall and Visitors Center.

 $150,000 to the Town of Whiteville for stormwater plan for downtown municipal service district.

 $406,996 to Tabor City to develop a new apartment complex to help meet the need for affordable

housing by dislocated residents of the area.

 $754,303 to the City of Lumberton to continue repairs to several public buildings damaged by

Hurricane Matthew.

 $800,000 to Bladen County to assist with debris removal from local streams.

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