Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving


We live in a great nation!


More on that topic shortly,


For those who gave up and went to bed, or do not care at all, Ricky Stenhouse, Jr. was the winner of the of the NASCAR race at Daytona Beach last night.  Dale Jr. finished near the back of the pack.


Get tired of Trump talk, for and against.  Supporters of Pres. Trump continue to say, give him time.  Many are the same folks who never gave the previous president ‘time’ before condemnation began.  Obama supporters never gave Bush time, and so on. Seems we fail to give ‘time or support’ to anyone we disagree with.  Only in America, I suppose.


Speaking of our great nation, one that offers so much to so many, was up early recently, and in a short distance, maybe a tenth of a mile saw the face of America, again.  There was a very nice, very expensive house, a short distance away, folks unpacking something from the rear of a pick up truck, preparing for the sale of their merchandise along the roadway, and approaching them what appeared to be a Hispanic male with a duffle bag on his back, trudging along, not sure where he may be headed and wondered if he knew.


Our nation is big enough to allow all to live and do our ‘thing’, as long as we respect the rights of each, and others do as well.


What a great nation we live in.  I love calling America, North Carolina and Bladen County, my home.


America was not built on fear.  America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand. Harry S. Truman


American will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.  Abraham Lincoln


The willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.  Jeff Miller


robert g hester

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