Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

After a few days away from home, so good to wake up in my bed, did not gain any weight while away (thank goodness), did not lose any.  I am among men most richly blessed.


Received a nice note from David Clark, E-town businessman, his topic, Thoughts While Shaving, he has shared a few notes over the years, offering kind thoughts since the beginning of  BladenOnline.  Mr. Clark has recently been dealing with the death of his long-time bride.


I thought back over the years about a group, including Clark, that would gather occasionally for a meal and lots of education (male gossip), one in particular, a birthday celebration for Mr. Paul Sessoms, a truly unique individual.


Think the ‘Trump Jump’ on the stock market has ‘stalled out’.  Nice while it was going on…..Market appears to be expecting action on healthcare and tax reform.  Talk continues, action is hopefully going on behind the scene before another recess by Congress.


Both parties love to blame the other for a lack of success, but either party with a majority in the House, Senate and in the White House, complaining about the minority party holding up anything, tends to falls on deaf ears, except the party hard-liners, Republicans or Democrats.


Recently visited a family member, a patient at McLeod Regional Medical Center, Florence, SC.  First visit to the site, an impressive medical facility.


Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.  Buddha


Today, try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.  Maya Angelou


We know what we are, but know not what we may be.  William Shakespeare


robert g hester

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