Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingBladen County Elections staff had a busy day yesterday, first day of filing for the upcoming municipal elections. 9 filed: 4 for 3 seats on Elizabethtown City Council, including the 3 incumbents and the former police chief; 3 incumbents filed for re-election to the White Lake Council, and 2 candidates for Mayor of Bladenboro, including the incumbent. Check our news page for details. In all, 7 incumbents and 2 newcomers paid their filing fee and signed on the dotted line. The filing deadline is noontime July 21.

Elections will be held in all 7 towns in the county. If you think you have something to offer, and live in one of the municipalities, go for it. Filing fee is $5, checks or money orders are preferred.

The Annual Bladen County Committee of 100 meeting is set for Wednesday, July 19 at the Cape Fear Vineyard & Winery in Elizabethtown. Guest speaker will be Chris Lloyd, Sr. He is associated with McGuire Woods Consulting and his list of clients includes Smithfield Foods, Starbucks, and many more. Anyone can become a member, by paying $100, and that includes a meal. And, bring a guest for an additional cost of $15. Call 645-2292 or email lclark@bladenco.org to register. The Committee of 100 has been a partner in economic development in the county for many years. The more the better, all are welcome.

Much talk about healthcare for those who have trouble securing their insurance. Is anyone happy with the current system, period? Must be a better way to deliver healthcare for everyone.

Had to much time on my hand recently, began cleaning out desk drawers. Anyone remember using Liquid Paper (white-out)? It was helpful for those of us who had problems typing, we could cover our mistakes with ‘white stuff’ from a small container? It is no longer liquid and no longer needed, thank goodness.

A closed mind is like a closed book: just a block of wood. (Chinese proverb)

A diet is a selection of food that makes other people lose weight.

A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday, but never remembers her age.

robert g hester

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