Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingJust when I think I have seen it all….learn something new…..

Yesterday’s weather was different…Don’t think I have ever seen a change as drastic and as quick as what we were exposed to ….
At 3 p.m. our temp was 80….an hour later it had dropped to 45…and it continued even lower…but a 35 degree change in an hour may not be a record, but more change than I recall…
No such forecast today…
Check our Events section for several functions this weekend…
I have not used numbers lately that relate to BladenOnline…When the format was changed we moved from one carrier to another and we now have access to Google Analytics, the latest and greatest…but for old folks..takes some time to get comfy with format…I am working on it…
Our ‘BladenOnline’ numbers are very, very good…but the new source does not use hits, etc….We can now see how much exposure on any individual article…for instance over the first few hours after the recent drug bust, it was viewed 2,023 times…That number is now substantially higher…’Thoughts While Shaving’ draws good numbers, but we can’t compete with a drug bust…..I can say with assurance, our numbers are as good as they have ever been…but to put them in a column of numbers is impossible….still working on it…I am a numbers person…
I am also about ready to make a solemn vow to never purchase anything that has more gadgets than I need….and all I need is an on/off switch….Includes cell phone, home appliances, vehicles….I pay for 100% and use about 1%…Guess it says much about the buyer…..
Received several nice comments over the past few days and weeks…Thanks….I love what we are doing with BladenOnline…and I promise…The Best Is Yet To Come……We provide news you can use….
A friend recently sent me a new ‘batch’ of church announcements with typo’s…..
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals….
The sermon this morning: ‘Jesus Walks on the Water”, the sermon for tonight, ‘Searching for Jesus’
Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled.  Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale!  It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house….Bring your husbands.
robert g hester

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