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Raleigh, NC – Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC) launches a grassroots and digital advocacy campaign in support of North Carolina’s first-ever Special Needs Education Savings Account: Exceptional Education for Exceptional Children.

The Personal Education Savings Account (PESA) is currently under review during the ongoing North Carolina General Assembly budget process, and if established would provide a state-sponsored scholarship to families with special needs students.

“North Carolina has long been a leader in educational options for families. Despite all of our accomplishments, from public charter school growth to scholarships for low-income families and children with disabilities – there is more that needs to be done. For example, this measure would eliminate the need for low-to-moderate income families to have to pay out of their own pocket and then wait for a reimbursement weeks and sometimes months later, and it would allow for families with more challenging and extensive educational needs such as autism, developmental or intellectual disabilities, hearing, visual, or orthopedic impairments to be eligible for both an education savings account and the Children with Disabilities Grant worth up to a total of $17,000.”

“We are proud to stand with special needs families and special needs groups like Autism Society of North Carolina in support of an Exceptional Education for Exceptional Children. In essence, we want to ensure that all families, despite the developmental and physical disabilities of their children, are empowered to provide an exceptional education for their exceptional child,” said PEFNC President Darrell Allison.

The website – www.exceptionalednc.org –  includes a video about the Special Needs ESA as well as a powerful testimonial from a North Carolina family who would benefit from the new program.

Media requests can be coordinated through brian@pefnc.org or (919)995-0741.

Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC) is a statewide organization that supports greater educational options through parental school choice, such as public charter schools and the Opportunity Scholarship Program. Our mission is to inform parents of the benefits of expanded options and empower them to exercise freedom in meeting their children’s needs, regardless of race, national origin, income or religion. www.pefnc.org

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