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RALEIGH – Group tours of three of the most widely used N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Agronomic Services labs have resumed. Groups can book a tour for the nematode assay; plant, waste solution and media; and soil testing labs Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Growers and homeowners throughout the state use these labs for soil and growing recommendations. In fiscal year 2022, these labs analyzed 379,039 samples and issued 52,414 reports.

Tours had been discontinued due to COVID and concerns for the safety and health of workers and the public.

“Seeing these labs in operation helps the public have more confidence in how data for reports are generated, plus they see the dedicated work involved,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “We are pleased to offer public tours of these excellent labs to enhance awareness of our mission to provide diagnostic and advisory services that increase agricultural productivity, promote responsible land management, and safeguard environmental quality,”

If a group has interest in scheduling a tour, please contact Joe Hudyncia, section chief of Field Services, at 919-664-1605 or by email at Joseph.Hudyncia@ncagr.gov.

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