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by Leyton Ezzell

November brings one of the most famous holidays in US history, known as Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is where we can celebrate being a family together. However, due to the COVID pandemic, large gatherings have become almost impossible. However, are ways around the safety guidelines that would still allow families to celebrate the holiday together.

Families could eat “together” and socialize on platforms such as Zoom or Google Duos, and other mediums that allow multiple face to face calls. The only limitation of this method is that it is not available to those who do not have WiFi and computers.

Another method is to hold in-person gatherings, with the required social distancing and face masks safety precautions. However, this could be dangerous to at-risk people.

There’s always one thing to remember with Thanksgiving, family isn’t always going to be blood-related. If you cannot make it to a family gathering for Thanksgiving, celebrate with the people around you. Thanksgiving is about being thankful.

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