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By: Haylie Robinson
At the Bladen Extension Service Office, they offer classes such as beekeeping, composting, pickling, and more on the second Tuesday of the month. On Tuesday, May 9th, the course provided was Growing Tomatoes, hosted by Jacob Barber, the Extension Agent in Bladen County for Consumer Horticulture.
As people came in, signed in, and settled down, Barber welcomed everyone and explained what the class would be learning. Barber then explained that he had a slideshow to show and that at the end of the course, the students could take tomatoes that he started as seeds.
The slide show started by explaining what the best land and soil conditions are for tomatoes and what the pH of the soil should be. Barber then explained how soil samples will help see if your soil is healthy enough and what it’s exceeding and lacking. He then continued to show the things used for a soil sample and how to do a soil sample.
Barber explains the best time to plant, the different areas you can grow, different breeds, and the best time to start tomato plants from seeds. Throughout the presentation, if anyone from the crowd had a question, Barber took time to answer questions that anyone had.
At the end of the presentation, there was an area to ask any lingering questions. Then Barber said which plants he had and let people take them home to add tomatoes to their garden. View the class scheduled offered at the extension office below.

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