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DUBLIN – As the fall semester commenced at Bladen Community College, the August 30th convocation was an opportunity for pensive reflection and great expectations for students and staff on campus.

“There is no limit to what you can achieve,” remarked Board of Trustees Chair Dennis Troy.

In this assembly of campus-wide staff, faculty, and students, speakers brought words of encouragement and advice. Student Government Association President Adriana Quiroz remarked “As SGA president, I welcome you to campus and wish you the best of success.”

The gathering included four guest speakers who reflected on how the community college experience has changed their lives. President William Findt shared his educational background, which began at the community college level.

“Early in my teaching career,” he said, “I visited the homes of my students. I discovered that good students abound.” In light of his 45 years of teaching, Findt remarked, “I believe the community college is the best institution of learning in America.”

Vice President and Chief Academic Officer Jeff Kornegay described BCC as a rescue from his troubled middle and high school years. “BCC gave me an opportunity to grow,” he remarked.

Featured speaker Jason Britt, Legal Assistant for District Attorney Jon David and former BCC student, encouraged students to get involved in campus clubs and activities. As a former vice president of the state-level Student Government Association, Britt shared how being engaged in activities beyond campus academics, provides important connections with others.

“You never know what connections you will make today, that will help you out tomorrow,” stated Britt. “Education is important, but I believe campus activities are just as important.”

West Bladen student Cheyenne Lewis shared encouragement for fellow Career and College Promise students at BCC. “Make a list of your expectations,” she stated. “Setting your expectations is setting your goals.”

During the service, Dr. Findt presented three awards. Assistant registrar Wanda Richardson was named the Staff Member of the Year. The Excellence in Teaching Award for a full-time faculty member was presented to cosmetology instructor Mary Anne Murphy. Psychology instructor Morgan Smith received recognition with the Excellence in Teaching Award for an Adjunct Faculty member.

For information about educational opportunities at Bladen Community College, call 910.879.5500.

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