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The Elite Eagles team at Bladen Community College was recognized recently by the state for their outstanding achievements in the Miles for Wellness program of the North Carolina State Employee Move More initiative.

Miles for Wellness is a virtual, team-based walking initiative by and for the state employees of North Carolina. The purpose of Miles for Wellness is to encourage and support employees to increase their level of physical activity, with the goal of 10,000 steps, or the equivalent of 5 miles, achieved most days of the week.

BCC’s Elite Eagles team won 1st place in the Tortoise Division with steps totaling 4,479,755 for a total of 2,240 miles!  Using the standard of 503 miles for the length of the state of North Carolina, the team walked the equivalent of two round trips of the state from east to west. The Elite Eagles was one of only 12 teams out of a total of 508 state employee teams to place in the Miles for Wellness challenge.   This achievement included competing with teams from other community colleges, state universities, state agencies such as NC Department of Transportation and NC Department of Public Instruction.

Members of the BCC Elite Eagles team are Robin Novak, Captain; Carlton Bryan, Lee Anne Bryan, Jean Butler, Betty Conner, Marcia deAndrade, Susan Long, Samantha Pope, Clint Spivey , and Allison Strickland.

Miles for Wellness is sponsored by the Total Rewards Division of the Office of State Human Resources. Challenges take place twice a year. Each challenge has a different theme with weekly step count totals that are added up and plotted on a virtual map. The most recent Miles for Wellness Challenge called The Moonlight Trail began Sept. 23 and for eight weeks, participants celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon mission by virtually visiting museums and exhibits that explore space travel. As a part of the Moonlight Trail, participating teams begin their virtual journey in North Carolina at the Museum of Life and Science Aerospace exhibit, traveling virtually across the U.S. to visit NASA facilities and more.

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