
Dr. William Findt

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By Erin Smith

Dr. William Findt

After 45 years spent in education, the majority of which saw him working in the community college system, Dr. William Findt has announced plans to retire from his post as President of Bladen Community College.  He announced his retirement will be effective on January 1, 2019.

“It’s hard after 45 years to walk away,” said Dr. Findt as he reflected on his career. “It’s time to step away and to let someone else take over.”

He shared his plans with the Board of Trustees and staff of the College recently.  Dr. Findt said that he had been mulling over the idea of retiring for a while and the timing feels right.


Bladen Community College is preparing to construct two new classroom buildings—one is a Continuing Education building and the second will be a STEM classroom building. The buildings will provide needed laboratory space was well as classroom space. There will also be space for classes dealing with machining.

Bladen Community College has also entered into a partnership with Bladen County Schools to create Bladen Early College. The early college will be housed on the campus of Bladen Community College and will allow students to study on the campus as well as completing their required high school credits. When they graduate, the early college students will have both an Associates degree an a high school diploma.

The College is also preparing to begin the process of creating a new 10-year Master Plan, said Dr. Findt. This process will help to establish goals and objectives for the upcoming decade for the board.

Bladen Community College also celebrated its 50th anniversary during Dr. Findt’s tenure as President. The school marked the occasion with various events including a talent show, the burial of a time capsule, a walking challenge and other activities.

Dr. Findt said when he first came to Bladen Community College in August 2008, the recession was not readily apparent at the school. By 2009, the school was beginning to feel the budget crunch. He said in times of recession, enrollment numbers at the state’s community colleges tend to increase and Bladen Community College is no exception.

Dr. Findt said in recession of 2008-09 the school tightened its budget as much as possible so they could meet the needs of their students.

“We were able to hire the personnel we needed, but budgets were reduced,” said Dr. Findt. He recalled how travel was not allowed and purchasing was stopped unless it was absolutely necessary.

The job of President also afforded Dr. Findt with many rewarding experiences. He explained that during his first week as President, the registration for the online courses was set to take place. Dr. Findt recounted it was a Saturday morning and he arrived at the campus only to find that all of the staff had arrived at the campus as well.

“I learned very quickly the faculty and staff were attuned to the needs of the students,” said Dr. Findt.

He said they were ready to assist the students in any way needed.

Dr. Findt said his time spent at Bladen Community College has been both successful and rewarding. He added the faculty and staff he has had the privilege of working with all have the best interests of the students at heart.

He said his greatest challenge was in his early years at Bladen Community College and managing the budget. Dr. Findt said the reward has been working with the people who are at the college and promoting them and watching them grow and excel in their careers.

“It has been successful and rewarding,” said Dr. Findt.

Now, the economy is performing better and the college’s budget is stronger. Dr. Findt said the staff is currently preparing for the upcoming state auditing process which will take place in February. The school has received good reviews from the State Auditor’s office for the past three years, according to Dr. Findt.

Early Years in Education

He said prior to his hiring as President of Bladen Community College, he and his wife had longed to return to southeastern North Carolina because of their Sampson County heritage and the position at Bladen Community College made that possible. Dr. Findt began his career in education as a teacher at the former Garland High School. At that time, teaching contracts were for nine months, said Dr. Findt. During the summer, he would work for Sampson Community College as a recruiter of students for the school. He said he enjoyed that job.

The position of recruiter for Sampson Community College eventually became a full-time job and Dr. Findt said he applied and was hired. He said he has worked at various colleges in the Community College System during his career and was working at Mitchell Community College in Statesville when he was hired as President of Bladen Community College.

“People are friendly in eastern North Carolina and families are important,” said Dr. Findt.




He said his plans for retirement are to stay in Bladen County and become more involved in the community.

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