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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Bladen County Department of Social Services staff members held a butterfly release on Friday, April 24, 2021, outside their office in Elizabethtown, observing those children who have died due to neglect in North Carolina.

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Jill Sampson, Social Work Program Manager, and Shelia Berkeley, Child Protect Services Manager, handed out notes to be read before releasing the butterflies. Some in attendance read out the number of fatal child abuse victims and their causes of death.

The numbers were from the 2019 death reports. Berkeley explained the 2020 numbers have yet to be released. The total number of 2019 deaths was unclear but estimated around 75. The causes of deaths read aloud were drowning, suffocation, strangulation, fire, firearm, and accidental.

The Social Services Department organizes an event each year around the end of April to bring awareness to child abuse prevention.

Berkeley said, “If someone wants to make a child abuse report, they can call 910-862-6800 during normal business hours and ask to speak to an in-take social worker.” After hours anyone can call 910-862-8142 and ask to speak to the on-call intake social worker to file a report.

According to Berkeley, this year, there have been more serious neglect, more sexual abuse, and violent abuse in child abuse investigations.

She said, “It’s a tough job, but I love it. It’s about protecting the children.”

Taylor Wheeless, NC Queen of Hope Ambassador was present at the event. She said, “It was sad to hear how many there were, but I am glad I came.”

Child abuse is preventable. Be patient. Keep children busy with constructive activities—exercise to reduce stress. Seek help when it is needed.

The local Social Services office sells their annual Child Abuse Prevention shirts to help bring awareness to the cause. T-shirts range in sizes and are priced at $12 to $13. Long-sleeve shirts are also for sale and range in sizes. They are priced at $13 to $14. Purchase a shirt during normal business hours at the Bladen County Social Services office located at 208 E McKay Street in Elizabethtown, NC.

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