County Board of Commissioners and Staff
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By: Robert G. Hester
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Bladen County Commissioners held a Public Hearing on the FY 2015-2016 budget and no one had a comment.
A second Public Hearing related to a change in the Animal Control Ordinance did draw speakers.  Three spoke in opposition to proposals from the current Animal Control Advisory Board.  Krista Hansen addressed the board, at times reading from prepared remarks questioning the board of commissioners interest in making changes submitted to them at their last board meeting.  Hansen, a former chairman of the Advisory Board said the board had received bad information from the current board, mainly relating to the exclusion of a local veterinarian being on the board and increasing the number of board members to 8 from 7.  She also questioned why 2 members had served since 2003 when, according to her, they should have been allowed to serve for only 3 years. She was followed by Valeria Gensel and Joan Marian who continued along the same line of comments.  After hearing from the speakers, the hearing was closed and a vote taken on changes proposed.  The Board voted 8-1 to approve the changes with Wayne Edge objecting.
Commissioners voted to approve a $350,000 transfer to the Board of Education to close out the school year.  Dr. Robert Taylor, when asked if that would be enough, promised to use school fund balance and not return with further request for the current year.
The board tabled a request for Medicaid Transportation Services for the coming fiscal year after questioning administrators of the program about details of the bidding process.
Commissioners voted to approve a Medication Assistance Program (MAP) grant application.  It is a continuation of a program currently offered through the Health and Human Services agency.
Aaron Robinson was name to the Kelly Water Dike and Drainage District Committee.
Commissioners approved an Elder Abuse Awareness Proclamation and presented it to DSS representatives Vicky Smith and Tina Padrick.
The board voted to formally enter into an Agreement with Moseley Architects for Architectural Services for a new Detention and Law Enforcement Center construction project.  And in a related matter, the board approved an Agreement for Construction Manager at Risk Services with W.M. Jordan/Bordeaux related to the same project.
Greg Martin, County Manager, announced that a Memorandum of Understanding had been approved regarding inmate labor.  The Town of Elizabethtown, according to Martin, would also act on the matter at their meeting Monday evening. 
Commissioners endorsed a proposed Industrial Commission office in Elizabethtown, appointed Russell Priest as voting delegate to the NACO conference and scheduled another budget work shop for Monday, June 8 at 6 p.m.

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