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Like many Americans across the country, Bladen County residents have witnessed a growing divide between constitutionally conservative principles of government, and the erosive corruption of a liberal progressive government. To many, this has become the defining difference between the two major political parties.

Although Bladen County has long been pro-Democrat, it appears that many residents are beginning to understand that the principles of that party are no longer supportable, and that the Democrat Party now supports an agenda which is largely incompatible with individual liberty and good governance. Thus, more and more voters in Bladen County are shifting their support to the Republican Party. They are recognizing that, in matters relating to immigration and border security, the environment, health care, social services, law enforcement, the strengthening of our military defense, international trade, and the development of energy resources, it is the Republican Party which offers the most effective vehicle for translating the ideals of responsible government into a positive and successful resource for the people.

North Carolina has become a beacon among the states for independence and freedom, and the Bladen County Republican Party recognizes that a republican form of government is the best path toward preserving and protecting those freedoms. As such, it is the privilege of the Bladen County Republican Party to formally support, and to heartily endorse for office, Mr. Mark Harris as the Republican candidate to the U.S. House to represent the 9th Congressional District of North Carolina, and for Mr. David Rouzer to continue his solid representation of the 7th Congressional District.

In addition, the Bladen County Republican Party supports and endorses Mr. William Brisson, representing House District 22,  for reelection to the NC House of Representatives, and for the reelection of Mr. Bill Rabon to the NC State Senate, representing Senate District 8.

On a local level, the Bladen County Republican Party recognizes District 2 County Commissioner Mr. Charles Ray Peterson, and endorses his bid for reelection. The Party also endorses Mr. Wayne Edge in his quest to seek election as County Commissioner, representing District 3.

The Bladen County Republican Party also seeks to put itself on record in support of the reelection of Sheriff Jim McVicker, to remain as Sheriff of Bladen County. Sheriff McVicker’s record of accomplish-ment, integrity, and experience is beyond reproach, and his professional performance as Sheriff has been a tremendous asset to county law enforcement. We wholeheartedly endorse his reelection to the office of Sheriff of Bladen County.

The Bladen County GOP also strongly endorses the election of Mr. Jason Britt as Register of Deeds for Bladen County. Mr. Britt has been a leader in our local District Attorney’s Office for several years. He looks forward to sharing his experience in the Courthouse as the Register of Deeds. In addition, Bladen GOP firmly endorses Mr. Dennis Ray Edwards for election to the Bladen County Board of Education.

When voters go to the polls in November, they will be voting not merely for a House or Senate representative, nor just for someone to fill a local office or political seat. They will be voting for control of the entire U.S. House and Senate, and thus, for the future of the entire United States of America! The only way to guarantee the future success of our country is to vote for men and women who possess the character, the integrity, and the experience to forge a stronger America. The Bladen County Republican Party believes these candidates possess those traits, and strongly endorses them for office!

DISCLAIMER: The above article was submitted by the Bladen County GOP and has no affiliation with BladenOnline.com.

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