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BladenOnline.com is honored and grateful to bring Bladen County news, sports, advertising and more to our readers. We take this opportunity with a great sense of responsibility and seriousness. We do offer spaces on our site for opinions as well as facts.

Our Guestbook page is a space with visitors comments and opinions. The Guestbook posts are not facts presented by our staff. We do try to police the page as much as possible to delete any abusive behavior or posts.

Our Guestbook page is strictly a social page for our readers to use to discuss topics they care about, but is not part of the news, sports or information brought to you by your trusted BladenOnline.com staff.

Our site also has an Opinion page offering opinion articles by different writers and contributors. Our news page offers several different types of articles and information. For example: “Thoughts While Shaving” is one our most popular opinion articles with some announcements and facts mixed in to the opinion read.

In order to communicate what is news facts our staff reports about and what is opinion articles our staff has decided to start labeling our opinion articles with the words, Opinion or Perspective in front of the titles of those articles. We appreciate your readership and trust. We want to continue receiving your loyalty as your top trusted news source.

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