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A staff report

Bladen County Health and Human Services (BCHHS) has a powerful message to share with the community: National Wear Red Day is just around the corner on Friday, February 2, 2024. This day holds great significance as it marks the beginning of American Heart Month, a time to unite and raise awareness about heart disease – a leading cause of death for Americans.

In a recent announcement on social media, BCHHS urged everyone to participate in this vital campaign. Their message is clear: “Together, we can continue to wear red to help save more lives. Help promote American Heart Month throughout February and National Wear Red Day (February 2nd) to bring greater attention to heart disease as a leading cause of death for Americans.”

This call to action is more important than ever, considering the prevalence of heart disease in the United States. Heart disease affects millions of Americans and remains a significant public health concern. By participating in National Wear Red Day, individuals can take a simple yet powerful step to raise awareness about heart health and promote early prevention.

Wearing red on February 2nd is not just a fashion statement; it’s a symbol of solidarity. It signifies support for those who have been affected by heart disease, serves as a reminder to prioritize heart-healthy lifestyles, and encourages individuals to seek out regular check-ups and screenings.

Throughout the entire month of February, BCHHS will be organizing various activities and initiatives aimed at promoting heart health education, prevention, and support. These efforts will include distributing informational materials, hosting community events, and collaborating with local healthcare providers to offer heart screenings and check-ups.

American Heart Month is an opportunity for communities to come together and tackle the issue of heart disease head-on. It’s a chance to empower individuals with the knowledge and resources they need to lead heart-healthy lives. By wearing red on National Wear Red Day, Bladen County residents can make a visible commitment to the cause and inspire others to do the same.

In conclusion, the message from Bladen County Health and Human Services is clear: National Wear Red Day, on February 2, 2024, is a call to action to raise awareness about heart disease. By joining together and wearing red, we can make a powerful statement about the importance of heart health. Let’s unite, promote American Heart Month throughout February, and work towards saving more lives from the clutches of heart disease.

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