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We salute our men and women in our armed forces. Bladen County has a lot of honorable service people. BladenOnline.com has started a new series called Bladen County Veteran’s Stories.

The first video of the series is Bladen County Veterans’ Stories: Featuring Retired Lt. Commander Larry Hammond. In the video, Hammond gives our viewers a glimpse into a local Veteran’s service in the United States Coast Guard. 

Hammond shares some of his service memories with BladenOnline.com in our newest video on YouTube. With a start from New Jersey, Hammond toured the globe assisting in many different efforts while serving his country. Some of his services included search and rescue missions, recruiting, and polar operations among a host of other duties. Retired Lt. Commander Hammond now serves as Bladen County’s Veteran’s Affairs Director and is a member of the Bladen Community College Board of Trustees.Learn more about the United States Coast Guard and our local Veteran, Hammond in our video posted below.


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