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By: Jair McElveen

East Bladen High School Student-Athlete, Zachary Metz makes a great individual for this week’s high school senior spotlight. Zachary has been a dedicated Eagle and full of Eagle Pride throughout his school years. Zachary has been a part of the National Beta Club and Student Government Association where he has helped out in the community and participated in events to raise school morale. Zachary says that his most memorable moments would be almost anything sports-related.

Whether in the student section supporting or traveling to a playoff game, Zachary found excitement in such activities. Zachary has been an all-around athlete while at East Bladen High School. He played basketball and ran track in his earlier high school years, and he has also been a part of the varsity soccer team at East Bladen High School since his freshman year. Zachary says, “soccer has taught me discipline, hard work, and integrity. Soccer has made him who I am today.” As a result of the effect soccer has left on him, Zachary plans to advance his game and play at the next level.

After graduating high school, Zachary plans to attend Cape Fear Community College with a focus on electrical systems and technology while also being on the soccer team. Zachary mentioned that it has always been his goal to continue playing soccer after high school; and hearing the possibility of this goal being achieved made him work even harder. With the support and guidance from his father, Tom Metz, Zachary began to work harder academically as well. He took up some electrical classes at Bladen Community College and fell in love with discovering a whole new world that sparked his interest. Living in his dream since freshman first year, Zachary is extremely excited about getting to work academically, athletically, and professionally.

While soccer is his favorite sport, in August, Zachary started playing golf, and he enjoyed it. This spring he joined the Varsity Golf team at East Bladen High School and Zachary says, “golf is very slow paced and helps me calm down, it’s just relaxing.” Zachary plans to continue playing Golf after high school for fun and to relieve stress.

When asked if there are any challenges that Zachary anticipates facing as he transitions out of high school, he said, “Having to take six classes and manage soccer will be a lot of stress on me, but I plan to overcome this by staying focused.”

Zachary feels as though through sports and his classes at BCC he is prepared for his future. After working as a technician for some time, Zachary plans to take on a career as a sales engineer for a manufacturing company, Reiser. With this as his ultimate goal, Zachary plans to give back by assisting in the various stages of food production.

Leaving advice for underclassmen and incoming freshmen, Zachary suggests joining as many clubs as you possibly can and “dream big and work hard.”

Zachary hopes that his shared story inspires others to go for what they want and never give up.

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