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The Bladenboro Board of Commissioners on Monday discussed recreational operations, adopted a substance abuse policy for town employees, and voted to begin the process for the removal of two burned buildings on Main Street at its monthly meeting at Town Hall.

The new McLean Park recreational facility is nearing completion and the playing field is expected to be ready by the time Dixie Youth Baseball teams begin practicing in March. However, the field will not be lighted, a sidewalk remains to be built from the parking area to the concession stand, and decisions have yet to be made on the operation of the concession stand and scheduling.

Town Administrator John O’Daniel was asked by the board to come up with options for operation of the facility and cost estimates. McLean Park will give the town two facilities with playing fields, the other being Wateree Park.

The Wateree Park concession stand and scheduling is done on a contract basis by an outside group while the town provides maintenance and mowing. The town also pays for lights for youth leagues. O’Daniel said the same plan could be done for McLean Park, or the town could make one of two part-time summer positions a full-time position during the summer to include overseeing the park and scheduling.

The board approved O’Daniel’s request to seek a $30,000 matching grant from a Major League Baseball program to help pay for lights at McLean Park. The town also would pay $30,000. The board approved $6,557 to pay for a sidewalk from the McLean Park parking lot to the concession stand.

In other business, the board,

** Adopted a resolution to add random drug testing and workplace accident drug testing for town employees to its substance abuse policy. It’s a policy that’s standard in many towns and cities.

** Approved to begin the process for the removal of two burned buildings on Main Street based on the town code. Property owners will be notified the structures must be removed. O’Daniel also had bids for removal of the structures if the owners fail to comply. If the town has to remove the structures, the owners would have to reimburse the town. Commissioner Terry Nance cautioned that before any demolition is done or contracts signed that the buildings need to be checked for hazardous materials such as asbestos.

** Approved a budget amendment to transfer $2,250 from the general fund to the Christmas Kids fund operated by Police Chief Chris Hunt. The chief’s yearly campaign raises money to provide needy children with Christmas gifts.

The meeting was continued until Dec. 1 when the town will hold its annual community Christmas dinner at the Bladenboro Historical Society Building. The dinner recognizes volunteer groups and individuals for their service throughout the year.

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