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The Bladenboro Town Board met on Monday and voted 4-1 not to change the town’s utility policy with regards to water leaks.

Town Commissioner Sarah Benson introduced the topic to the board when she asked Town Administrator John O’Daniel how many water adjustments the town issues in a year. “We don’t keep track of water. I was able to find some numbers on how many sewer adjustments we do,” said O’Daniel.

“How many of those have we done?” asked Benson. O’Daniel said in the past year, the town has issued 38 sewer adjustments.  Town Commissioner Benson asked O’Daniel how many of those were water adjustments. O’Daniel replied none of the 38 were water adjustments. O’Daniel told the board those 38 adjustments represent about 25 percent of the calls received by town staff from people who have leaks.

Town Commissioner Sarah Jane Benson asked, “How many people come in and say, I just had a water leak not any sewer but just a water leak in say six months or a year’s time?”

“Just one,” said Pam Bowen, who is the town’s Utility Clerk.

Town Commissioner Benson said she would like for the board to consider changing the policy. She said even if the bill is reduced by half, the town would still make money. “If one of those is all we we’re looking at a year, I just don’t think it’s just to the people who pay them,” said Town Commissioner Benson.

“So you’re talking about the people who just have water?” asked O’Daniel.

“I’m talking about anybody,” said Town Commissioner Sarah Jane Benson. She emphasized the town should be willing to help residents with issues with their water bills.

O’Daniel argued that the town deals with about 100 customers who claim to have water leaks in a year. He said of those 100 customers, only about 30 of those are able to have their bills adjusted.

Benson said she was referring to customers who have no sewer but receive town water. O’Daniel said the town does not give any adjustments to customers who have only water and do not receive town sewer services.

“I am asking the board consider giving anybody who has had just a water leak an adjustment. We’re going to make money any way you go. It can’t put us in the red,” said Town Commissioner Sarah Jane Benson.

O’Daniel argued town staff are already seeing the possibility of the water and sewer account possibly being in the red for the last year. He said the town’s rates have not increased so the income has remained steady but the cost to the town have increased. Town Commissioner Sarah Jane Benson said if that was a problem it should have been brought to the board’s attention sooner.

O’Daniel said he would not recommend changing the policy because it would cause a financial hardship for the utility fund. He said if the town starts issuing more adjustments, they could stand to lose money.

Town Commissioner Jeff Atkinson asked what type of policy the town has with regards to someone who has a high-water bill. Pam Bowen said that she works with the customer to come up with a payment plan to help them to pay their bill. She said she ensures the customer has water service and will work with the customer to help them pay the bill.

Town Commissioner Sarah Jane Benson made a motion to adjust water bills as the town does for sewer to a cut rate of at least 50 percent one time per year with the stipulation the customer presents a verified bill from a plumber. Town Commissioner Billy Ray Benson seconded the motion. The motion failed 4 to 1 with Town Commissioner Sarah Jane Benson casting the lone ‘Yes’ vote.

In other business, the board met for one hour in a closed session for personnel. When the board reconvened in open session, they voted to hire Nick Peavey and Bobby Callihan for the Maintenance Department. They each will earn $20,981 per year.

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