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By: Valerie Newton
Elizabethtown, NC – On Saturday, May 2nd, Bladenboro Middle School hosted a Science Olympiad for twenty-four 5th and 6th grade students. This was a first-time event for the school. Students and teachers spent a month preparing for nine different competitions. They built bottle rockets, pasta towers, gliders, and gathered information to help with the study events. 
The events are rigorous academic interscholastic competitions that consist of a series of different hands-on, interactive, challenging and inquiry-based events that are well balanced between the various disciplines of biology, earth science, environmental science, chemistry, physics, engineering and technology. The challenging and self-motivating events of Science Olympiad align with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study as well as the National Science Education Standards. The competitions are designed to enhance and strengthen both science content and process skills. 

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